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Home: Welcome
Flying Lanterns


We all are in one of the three positions right now: 1) Don’t know anything about Christ, 2) Know God, but haven’t spent time with him, or 3) Are in the best relationship with God. No matter whatever position you are in, God has set a plan for each every one of us. For example, God’s plan for me is to serve at my church, share the gospel by using this podcast, and so much more. There have been some ups and downs along my journey, but that’s just life. The why of the mission is for everyone to come together as a community, to work at the speed of what Jesus does. It’s like the question; what would Jesus do? He would serve! Our mission is to MOVE AT THE SPEED OF JESUS to shine other people’s lights back up. In this way they will be the light too.  Acts 11:17 says, “If then God gave the same gift to them as he gave to us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could stand in God’s way?” This starts now by you listening to this podcast. And that is how we can be a better people.
-Mason McClanahan

Home: Our Mission

Mason Talks

This season is going to feature random lessons that we should know in our daily lives. If you have any suggestion, reply here and check...

Happy Easter!

We made it to today! Hope you are having a great time celebrating and recognizing Jesus as our Savior. John 10:11 says “I am the good...

Happy Palm Sunday!

Do you know what the real worshiping is? What was Jesus doing on this day? Listen to this episode as we uncover the question and Palm...


What can you expect to hear about in Rise Up? Listen to this trailer to find out as we’re moving at the speed of Jesus.

The Songs of Praise

Throughout this chapter we’ve learned that God does so many things and we can be in thanksgiving and trust. What was the purpose of this...

Almost Done!

As this season “Songs of Praise” is ending we will have a recap soon! Don’t forget to be share, like, and follow and we’re moving at the...

Thankful Everyday

We experience an invitation to the whole Earth and worship God. So why should we be people who live in thanksgiving and praise to God?...


Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023! Two new episodes are out for you to listen to. As you listen to them answer the Q+A’s on the episode. As listen...

Don’t Forget!

Don’t miss out on New Year’s Episode called Our Mission. We will go over celebrations and goals for next year. Check it out on Spotify.

199 Plays

Isn’t it crazy that we are SO close to 200 plays? Let’s keep listening to the episodes and make it to the 200!

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